The Value of Architectural Heritage: On Vulnerability and the Future of Humanity – Guest Lecture by Professor Susanne Krasmann
Professor Susanne Krasmann, from the Institute for Criminological Research, University of Hamburg, will give a guest lecture on Thursday, October 24 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Faculty of Law, University in Zagreb (Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Auditorium 1, 1st floor). Professor Krasmann will give a lecture titled “The Value of Architectural Heritage: On Vulnerability and the Future of Humanity”. The lecture will be held in English language without translation.
Lecture abstract:
The Value of Architectural Heritage: On Vulnerability and the Future of Humanity
Concern for cultural heritage on a global scale has gained momentum at a time when the world order, as we know it, has come under radical scrutiny. In view of the “crisis of the Anthropocene” humanity seems to be in need to resituate itself and to reinvent an ethics that exceeds the destructive force and limitations of human politics (Colebrook). The current debate on cultural heritage exposes strikingly similar motifs. While on the one hand putting locality, diversity and respect for the cultural practices of minorities on the agenda, at stake is on the other hand a recalibration of what cultural heritage means for “humanity as a whole”. The lecture focuses particularly on architectural heritage: what does the destruction of historic buildings, whether deliberately happening in the context of war crimes or acts of hate or accidentally as in the case of the recent Notre Dame fire in Paris, tell us about the vulnerability of human beings and collectivities – and about the fragility of culture and civilization?
Susanne Krasmann is a Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Criminological Research, Universität Hamburg. Her main research areas are Law and Its Knowledge; Dispositifs of Security; The Future of Algorithms; Power and Truth; Vulnerability and Political Theory. She is co-editor of Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges (Routledge, 2010) and has published in international journals like Cultural Studies, Foucault Studies, Leiden Journal of International Law, Policing & Society, Punishment & Society, Surveillance & Society, Theoretical Criminology.